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Rob-n-Hild, Eastward Ho!

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Gros Morne - Twillingate 462x km. 5:39 hours. Elevation maximum 349 metres
We left Gros Morne after three nights in a nice oTENTik and drove to Twillingate, which is at the end of a string of small islands connected by short causeways. The narrow strips of water between these islands are called tickles in this part of the world, and some towns and villages are named after them - Dark Tickle, for example, was small village we drove through a couple of days ago. The road out here goes up and down and round about quite a bit, but earlier in the day we had got a lot of speed up on the TCH - the Trans Canada Highway - which we had used a lot last year. We are going to find the "end" of the TCH in St Johns after seeing the start in Victoria on Vancouver Island last year.
It had been very cold last night - there was a lot of frost on Mary Jane. And the wind the day before had damaged the oTENTik next to us! It had felt quite wild at the time, with lots of creaking noises, but we had been more sheltered than our neighbour. We heard from the Parks people that the guests staying in this one had to be moved!
Right at top end of the North Twillingate island is a lighthouse and there are some nice walks around the cliffs on either side. As we had got in to Twillingate in the mid-afternoon, we figured a walk around here would be good - only it turned out that the walks were pretty rocky with some steep drops so we only did a short walk - but there was plenty of climbing involved and some great photos!
First of all, there was a large big iceberg we got some nice shots of from the Lighthouse. We are pretty sure that this is called E5D and we are calling it tabular, but it could be called blocky! It looked lovely against the dark blue water - something we hadn't seen before as there was usually a lot of packed ice surrounding them. This photo was taken from the cliff-edge - with the view down to Devils Cove shown alongside! This is when we decided to take the walking trail the other side of the headland....
This was also pretty impressive, with the drop to Nanny's Hole nearly as steep. There was small growler in the bottom and viewing it from above shows how much of an iceberg is below the waterline. Sleepy Cove was quieter, as the name suggests and Hild and Rob took the opportunity to dip their fingers in the Atlantic Ocean.
Check out the Stranger Things page for a collage of some weird bits of mechanical equipment that was set up above Sleepy Cove. We are not sure if it is real equipemnt or just some random bits welded together, but it made it onto our weird page anyway.
Coming up: Terra Nova

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May/June 2023

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