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Rob-n-Hild, Eastward Ho!

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Exploring Central Labrador 263 km. 5:5 hours. Elevation maximum 174 metres)
After talking to Carol at dinner last night (the yummy pizza!), we decided we would check out a couple of small coastal villages not too far from Port Hope Simpson rather than a longer drive to Cartwright, as was early plan. This proved to be a good idea when we realised that the Wunderstrand (long beach named by Erik the Red) was actually only visible on a boat trip anyway. So we took Mary Jane off to Charlottville and Pinsent's Arm instead and got the feel of the coast here.
What we saw a lot of were growlers. After our previous discussions along the lines of "how big do you have to be to be called an iceberg" we found out that up to 1m above the water and less than 5m long they are called growlers. Something to do with the noise they make when they are pushed around, apparently. We figure most of what we have seen fall into this category even if they are being squished together into something bigger by the wind. We have also seen these referred to as "bergy bits", but that doesn't sound as much fun.
With all of these growlers in the water, it was no wonder that the boats we saw were all on dry land. It doesn't feel like fishing season to us and everywhere was very quiet, although that could be because it was Sunday (we had forgotten that!). Certainly the wharf in Pinsent's Arm wasn't open yet.
It was at this point that we realised that the inverter we have plugged into the cigar lighter in Mary Jane wasn't working. This is a handy way for us to power various bits in the car as we drive and we were worried that it had blown, only to discove that it was the fuse in the car which had gone. After some struggling under the steering wheel, Hild got the offending fuse out - only to discover that this was such a small type that the local shops/garages didn't carry them! But, Mary Jane to the rescue: In the main fuse box in the engine compartment were some spare fuses and although there wasn't a 15 Amp fuse like the one that had blown, there was a 20 Amp which will do nicely for now. All up and running again.
With that sorted, we then drove out to another coastal town called St Lewis. This seemed a bit bigger than the others and had a nice-looking picnic spot on a headland to look for whales - and icebergs. Well, this is called Iceberg Alley! Picnic spots are our speciality so even though it was only 2 degrees and blowing a heck of a wind, we got out the Trangia and made our cuppa and ate the left-over pizza from last night. We might not be whalers or arctic fishermen, but we can tough it out..... for 20 minutes at least.
Coming up: Forteau

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May/June 2023

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