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Fun lawn ornaments seen on our way
In Riding Mountain National Park we walked around the Wasagaming
township and spotted several cute lawn ornaments: bison, moose, bever, and bears.
In Prince George's Cottonwood Island Park we found many Cottonwood trees
with images carved into the bark. It was a fun project to try to collect/photograph as many as possible.
In Campbell River we loved looking at an artist's skillful work converting driftwood into animals. See more at
their website:
On Protection Island they were also inventive with their lawn ornaments. Many wood carved animals were to be seen - and Rob made a "beary" good friend.
In Maple Creep we found a miniature staircase for the little gnomes living in the tree.
In Bourlemaque, Quebec, we found someone's lawn ornament with gold set into the quartz - or maybe fool's gold? Looks nice anyway.
In Fort Frances we found:
- A garden ornament with a sneaky squirrel posing as a bird house
- A weather-vane made of a moose and an old bike wheel
- A garden ornament of a woodpecker that at first glance looked very real. It made us reach for our cameras quick, before he flew away… no wait… duh!
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